Saturday, October 29, 2011

On being thankful

Today I gave thanks for the opportunity of meeting a wonderful spiritual life coach, Akrura dasa of Gita Coaching. This man travels the world offering workshops and coaching individuals to achieve a fuller life, not only spiritually but also with issues of this physical reality. I met Akrura in a kirtan, where he led the chanting for the elevation of our consciousness. His interest didn't terminate in the people who were gathered there. So grand is his generosity, his intent was to benefit the whole of humanity with our chanting. "Sound travels around the globe" he said "our chanting will vibrate and spread its benefit to all".

After the kirtan, I eagerly approached him to share that I too am a life coach, helping individuals get in touch with their inner power and fulfill their true potentials. I never expected his reaction! Akrura opened a vast smile that reminded me of a child who has just gotten exactly what he asked from Santa! I shared with him that I coach people holistically, approaching the body, mind and spirit. He was interested in meeting with me to know more about my chosen path.  

Our meeting a few days later was another surprise! Akrura ate a cucumber and a green pepper, part of his raw food diet. This, along with his chanting must be what makes his being so light. "Tell me how you put awareness in the body and soul during your coaching session." Having him listen curiously to my holistic approach to coaching was probably how a musician felt if he was so lucky as to jam with Jimmy Hendrix! 

Before I left, without my asking, Akrura openheartedly gave me most of his and other leaders' work which would take me years to compile. 

How could I not take the time to thank this beautiful soul and my "lucky stars" for having met him?

Gratefulness, simply put, is about getting in closer touch with the origin of which every blessing, benefit or support comes from.  Giving thanks keeps you in contact with the creative force, universal energy, God or whatever you choose to call the unseen power that ultimately rules our existence. 

I ask my coaching clients to report to me on a weekly basis, what it is that they are thankful for in their lives. Some have never had the chance to think about this and therefore don't know what to write. I sometimes get: "I have nothing to be thankful for, can't you see the state that this country/the world/my life is in?" I remind them of their health, or their mother's health or even the blessing of having their children close to them. This automatically puts things into perspective and I see genuine gratitude in their face. 

Being grateful helps us focus on the positive aspects, things and people that enter our lives and therefore compels us to want to share positive things with others.

Try it yourself! Can you make a list of five things you are grateful for today?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Be prepared

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity"!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Just Breathe

Yesterday a client came in like a hurricane. He was extremely anxious as he entered my office several minutes late. He started telling me how he ran around the whole day, a photo shoot that was supposed to take two hours took four, and then he attended a meeting and then he had to come see me and still needed to go to kickboxing class after our appointment...
I was out of breath just listening to him. Before we did anything, I asked him to take two minutes to breathe. After the two minutes, he had a huge smile on his face. It was all he needed at that moment. To be reminded to just breathe.

Here's a great post via zenhabits


Breathing can transform your life.
If you feel stressed out and overwhelmed, breathe. It will calm you and release the tensions.
If you are worried about something coming up, or caught up in something that already happened, breathe. It will bring you back to the present.
If you are discouraged and have forgotten your purpose in life, breathe. It will remind you about how precious life is, and that each breath in this life is a gift you need to appreciate. Make the most of this gift.
If you have too many tasks to do, or are scattered during your workday, breathe. It will help bring you into focus, to concentrate on the most important task you need to be focusing on right now.
If you are spending time with someone you love, breathe. It will allow you to be present with that person, rather than thinking about work or other things you need to do.
If you are exercising, breathe. It will help you enjoy the exercise, and therefore stick with it for longer.
If you are moving too fast, breathe. It will remind you to slow down, and enjoy life more.
So breathe. And enjoy each moment of this life. They’re too fleeting and few to waste.
Tip: Put the word “Breathe” as a screensaver or desktop pic, or put it up as a note on your wall or fridge or on your desk. Then do it every time you see the word.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Where are you going?

"You'll never leave where you are until you decide where you'd rather be"
Angela Oberer

I often hear people say that if they didn't need the money, they would leave their job. I have also heard: "If times weren't so tough, I would be free to do what I really love". Or the one everyone must have heard or said at one point or another: "I can't leave him/her, because he/she needs me".

As stated in the very truthful quote above, one can never leave (a place, a relationship, a job, you name it) if he does not make clear in his mind where it is he would rather be.  Or how it is she would rather be living, working, spending her time. So making excuses is the next best thing to do!

Most people don't realize that "deciding where you would rather be" takes more than the mere decision.  It is not enough only to think about it, daydream about it once in a while, especially if you do it in a shy way, scared that someone will find out where you would really like to be.  Or scared that God will punish you if you want something different, and God forbid should you want something MORE!!

The first, and probably the most important step, to leaving where you are is to announce where you'd rather be! Announce it to your mind, the universe, and anyone around you that you think might help.

How do you announce it to your mind? You "see it" with your mind's eye. You see yourself in that position, visualize every possible detail. Make it substantially detailed! What will you see when you are in this new place? How will you look, how will others around you look? How will they see you? How will you be dressed? What will you see when you look around you in this new role?
What will you hear? How will you be speaking? How will others be speaking to you? Do you hear sounds around you?
Finally, how do you feel being in this new situation? What feelings do you get when you visualize yourself there? Pay attention to these feelings that come up, they are valuable feedback. Visualizations provide information for your brain and it starts "searching" for this reality. The more detailed the visualization, the more information your brain receives. Careful visualization creates a neural network that hold these "memories", even if they are future memories. Your mind cannot tell the difference between something you "see" and something you visualize.

How do you announce it to the universe? You talk as if you were already there "I am a cabaret singer"! You are training yourself and your mind to actually BE in that new position. You practice with affirmations, even if you do it only while looking in the mirror! That's how actors become so believable - they practice and practice until the day they themselves believe they are their character. Talk like you believe it, even if at first you don't! Practice does make perfect!

Don't be afraid to announce your desired destination to others. It is very important to know that you can use people around you as resources. Yes, I did put use and people in the same sentence and I am not ashamed of it! You need not be either! You will be surprised to find out that there are many people who will be happy to help you. Share your dream with others, you never know who or what they might know, it could be just what you need!

What about you, are you happy where you are?