Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Afraid of the dark? Think again!

"It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us"
Marianne Williamson, "A Return to Love"

As a psychotherapist and life coach, I have encountered and worked with many individuals who very much fear what we often call "our inner darkness". Those characteristics, traits, behaviors that are often accompanied by terror when they choose to surface! We all have them, let's not kid ourselves! Those parts of ourselves that we don't know how to deal with or relate to. Understandably, this inability to handle these facets of our personality might lead us to dreading them.

What Marianne Williamson so insightfully shares with and invites us to understand is that above that fear of our inner darkness towers our fear of the light within!

VIA redbubble
This fear of our inner light is something we rarely pay attention to or even identify. Ironically, it is the sole roadblock stopping us from becoming the best version of ourselves! What is it that you REALLY want? What person do you most want to be? If you can close your eyes and envision your ideal self, how would it be? How would you be living?

Now close your eyes again and think of it actually happening! Think of yourself as being your ideal self, living the way you most want to live. What sensations do you feel in your body when you try this? Is your heart beating faster or did you get a lump in your stomach?

You will find that it is very scary to think of having all that you want, being all that you want or helping others as much as you want! Thoughts like: "I don't deserve it", "how can I have it while others can't" or "others will realize I am not that good" often cross our minds. Hence, our enormous fear of the light within!

Know that all that's stopping you from being the best you that you can ever be is merely your own fear. The good news is that if you consciously understand this and try to come in contact with this fear, one baby step at a time, you will see that getting in touch with the light within - that constant source of creativity, positivity and courage we all possess - is not only feasible but also fun! The fun lies in discovering yourself and pushing yourself and then discovering a bit more about yourself only to push yourself a bit further and discover another facet of yourself that will soon push you to want to discover a little more!

Discover and push forward! You will soon find you have impressively left that fear behind! You too can come in touch with that inner light and bring it out so it can lead the way to whatever it is you most want to shine it on.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tip of the day!

OK, so being on top of it all is not always easy!
I haven't been able to write much this past month, so I decided to post a quote that I found inspiring and worth sharing!

"Not a single person is born in the world who has not a certain capacity which will make him proud, who is not pregnant with something to produce, to give birth to something new and beautiful, to make the existence richer. There is not a single person who has come into the world empty." Osho

Can you take a few minutes to think about one or two things that make you feel proud of yourself? What makes you think you have to wait for others to acknowledge your capacities?  Can you pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for them?  (I mean literally pat yourself on the back! Or kiss your shoulder, or blow yourself a kiss in front of the mirror! Who cares what you do, no one is watching!!)

You come to this world alone and you leave it alone still! Why not live in it feeding yourself with your own acknowledgment and admiration - you alone have the capacity to applaud yourself the most! Are you consciously and consistently doing that?