Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Get connected!

I watched a great Brazilian movie last night, called "O Cheiro do Ralo", in English "Drained". In this amazingly well written story, a lonely pawn shop owner takes out his neurosis on those who come to sell him their belongings. It is a story about the misery and sadness in not being able to connect to those around us and desperately trying to do so through sadistic and damaging ways.

This made me ask myself: "How am I connecting to the people around me?"
Do I want to exert power over those who come close to me? Do I need to prove to them my views of the world are the right views of the world? Do I put myself in a victim position, always waiting for someone  to make me happy and frustratingly never experiencing this so sought after happiness? Do I fake love and affection just to receive it right back? Or am I  incessantly giving all my essence to others and never expecting anything in return?

In "A General Theory of Love", a great book that scientifically approaches human emotions, authors Lewis, Amini and Lannon state that "Within the effulgence of their new brain, mammals developed a capacity we call limbic resonance - a symphony of mutual exchange and internal adaptation whereby two mammals become attuned to each other's inner states".

Which shows us that our connection to those around us goes way beyond words, there is a resonance in the way we interact that needs nothing but the interaction itself, no words, no gestures. Just being there is enough to sense and give and take accordingly.

So I ask you, do you feel you are getting from your relationships that which truly makes you happy?



  1. My dear friend, and author,

    I enjoyed your post, I admit it is very well written and has made me think about how I connect to the world around me. I think its through a struggle of wanting to be free and express who I really am and expressing or relating through what I think others want. Definately a struggle between freedom vs. control and simply trying to accept other for who they are and how they chose to react or react. The way in which we connect to the world is the perceptual filter that governs our lives, therefore the more positive, and accepting affirmations we use, the more love and freedom we will bring into our lives.
    Wishing you love and light. Anna-Maria

  2. Thank you for your comment and for so openly sharing your inner thoughts!

    Fast changing times and we are fortunate enough to be a part of it all!!

    Let's try and remember that we ARE, in fact, made of light and shine we will, if we only allow ourselves to do so!

    Love and light right back at you!

  3. Dear sister and author,

    As much as it´s easier said than done, what truely makes us happy should be within us. Our inner self is the only place where we will find the tools we need, the fertile ground and the the ideal person (ourselves) to bring forth the moments of bliss that together create happiness.

    Connected we are, always! To everything and everyone... We can and should find happiness there too, however the fountain which is never ending is inside of us!

    Let´s always remember the power of I AM (Ehyeh asher ehyeh!

    Amor e Luz to you always!
