Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Change! for the time being!

Is it just me or is everything moving faster than you can say "hold oooon!"

I have heard from so many friends and acquaintances that so and so has separated from their significant other, moved to another house, another country, trying their luck in a new job...uuufff, things are happening so fast and we are just trying to keep up with it all!

I personally think it has to do with our times. 2011 is an interesting year! The year before 2012!

For those of you who have heard nothing about 2012, it's a year that has been described as "the end of times" by some ancient civilizations. It is also believed that in 2012 an alignment of the planets will have a direct and major influence over our planet earth.

What does all that mean and what does it have to do with me!?!


Again, personally, I don't believe it is the end of times, but merely the beginning! The beginning of a new time as we know...time! I have chosen to believe that this is a period when our consciousness in this earth plane is going through a tremendous shift. We are collectively seeing things in a different manner, taking care of and thinking about not only ourselves but others around us! Well, it's about time, I say!


I mean, while the poor African child is starving, we have the beautiful girl who doesn't know if she should buy the red or black 400 Euro pumps that, by the way, cost as much as the poor African's family supply of lifetime staple!
But you knew that already!
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for pumps and flashy dresses, to each his own, but I'm not for those who are ONLY about pumps and flashy dresses! There's gotta be more to life than just a beautiful piece of cloth or shoe, which, by the way, wasn't even made with the girl's well being in mind, mind you!

So, yes, I do think things are happening fast and it's scary! Because changes can be hard and changes can be scary! I've had my fair share of changes in the past months and all I can do is keep on smiling, even when I don't feel like smiling, because maybe if I keep on smiling I will start feeling that smiling was the best thing to have done after all!

If you, like myself, don't think this is the end of the line, the end of it all, finito la musica, I suggest you too keep on smiling and above all, always be open to new experiences and have faith in the idea that all things come in their due time: even the end of times (yikes)!

And remember: you can be the girl with the stunning pumps if you so desire, but change is about going beyond that, beyond what you know, beyond what is comfortable and easy.

Can you think of one thing you can do today to bring change into your life and maybe the life of someone around you?


  1. Well, "it's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine!!"

    As we get closer to entering the 5th Dimension, where "time" is felt in a different way (getting closer to the way it is felt in the higher dimensions) we, human beings, are having a tiny bit of a difficulty adjusting...
    Dec. 20, 2012 is the beginning of our entrance into this new dimension, where consciousness changes and humans will have to elevate their vibrational energy, since our "thought patterns", which for us took too long to materialize, will do so in a shorter period of time.

    In other words: whereas what we thought was 1 year will be 6 months.

    What we knew as "time" has changed for sure...
    What are we gonna do about it is another issue...

    Keep smiling is absolutely one of the 1st steps!

  2. "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."
    Charles Darwin

  3. Agree!! The time has come to adapt then!!
