Monday, March 19, 2012

How a baby step can affect your dream

I had a dream, a secret dream, for many years. I don't discuss it much, probably out of fear. I have a Greek background, where the "Evil Eye" is a very real thing and sharing our desires and accomplishments is sometimes forbidden. Someone might project their evil eye on you, and then believe me, you are in big trouble!   

Back to the dream, which I have shared with only a handful of people and have right this moment decided to announce to the world! Since I was a little girl, curiosity has been my greatest companion. I am curious about every single thing that comes my way. I want to know everything about everything. If you ask me the reason, I won't be able to explain it to you. I have now learned to say: "it's my nature to be curious" which has helped me accept this characteristic. Curiosity is accompanied by another gift - that of pursuing information. At times, I have gone through great lengths to track information that wouldn't affect my life in the least bit. At other times, the information I gathered was life changing. I guess that's how my dream comes in. Enough stalling, my secret dream, ever since I was a young girl, was to work in a secret intelligence agency! All the famous ones have crossed my mind! All different situations as well!

So one of these days I caught myself thinking: you are a coach, you help people follow their dreams and make things happen for themselves in a courageous way, why is it that you have never tried to make this dream come true?

And this is what I want to talk about today. 
The difference between a dream and a project!

I know of so many people who have dreams just like mine. Impossible dreams some might call them. I have come to the understanding that there is no such thing as an impossible dream and I will share with you my thoughts on this. 

If you have a dream and you really want it to come true, you have to turn it into a project. 
The difference between a dream and a project is that the dream is always in our mind. On the other hand, the project requires steps to be made.
The first step that I took in order to evaluate if I really wanted my dream to become a project, was to ask myself: "what will have to change in my life in order for this dream to become a project?" The moment I took some time to ponder on this question, I knew that working in an intelligence agency would remain a dream forever. So many things had to change in my life if I were to pursue such a dream, that the dream suddenly became more appealing than the project. 

So I invite you to ask yourself: what will inevitably have to change in your life if you are to transform your dream into a project? If you decide that you are happy about the changes that need to occur, then I ask you the following question: what is the next step you can take to turn your dream into a project. 

No dream will become a reality if you don't take the next step forward. It doesn't have to be a big step. Baby steps are just as welcome, because they are steps no less. The secret is to get into action. Inaction will at its best, allow your dream to remain a dream forever.

To get out of the dream and into the project, you have to take a step forward. What will your first step be? What about your second step? Can you think about that one? It's imperative that you start writing down your steps. Writing things down is a way to ground your thoughts and also gives you a good milestone, a great way to check where you were and where you are at every given moment. Also, by getting it down on paper you can create a strategy, list important aspects such as the internal and external resources available and needed that will help you make things happen. 

All this starts with a next step. Never underestimate the power of a baby step! It will make the difference between living in dreamland forever or realizing the project that will have you proud for the rest of your life! 

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