Monday, April 22, 2013

Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover

I was recently invited to a glamorous function.

Glamorous functions tire me at times. In fact, they tire me most of the times.
Allow me to explain.
I am what some would call a free spirit - unlike most of my girly mates, my best friends aren't diamonds and I would choose jeans and a white t-shirt over makeup and high heels any night!

So when I saw two flashy women joining our party, I recognized judgmental thoughts running wild inside my organic-cotton loving brain.

Stern thoughts like:
"These two women have the need to shine (literally) in order to feel important"
"Look at the way they move! Can they be more pitifully provocative?"

Yes, I shamelessly admit I did judge and the free spirit in me screamed like the famous painting.
Feeling true horror at the great lengths some women go to call attention and be adored, I was surprised to hear my monkey mind command fiercely:
"Ignore them, ignore them, don't mingle!"

Maybe because I love a challenge or probably because I don't allow my thoughts to control me anymore, I impetuously decided to engage in conversation with the dressiest of the two.

It turns out that I learned more than I could imagine from the two flashy ladies, so dissimilar to me.
It turns out that I automatically fell in love with the tawdry pair who had a baggage of varied and compelling experiences to share with me.
They intuitively and generously taught me so much about the marvels of life in a matter of minutes.

Astonishingly, I could see so much of myself in them
and they, on the other hand, absorbed my words as a dry cloth does when drenched in liquid.
It was magic, an unexplainable exchange of information and life lessons.

You never know what you will find in the depths of another's soul.
And you never can tell in which way the next person will teach you something new.
It could be your employee, whom you've never cared much about, who says a phrase you've been needing to hear to solve a problem. Or that beggar on the street that teaches you the lesson you had to learn at that moment in time. Or the waiter that speaks words that soothe your hurting soul.

You never know how the message you need to hear, or the lesson you need to learn will reach you.
For this reason I say and I beg of you to
Never judge a book by its cover!
Because the message you are to hear will be delivered, yet you will never be able to choose the vehicle that will dispense it.

Keep curious towards teachings and experience the miracle of living a fuller life - even if it means you open the seemingly uninteresting book with the despicable cover you can't stand looking at.

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