Monday, September 12, 2011

Regrets, I had a few...

Sometimes I forget I am only human! 

Sometimes I expect so much of myself and am left dumbstruck when I make a mistake. As if mistakes are only acceptable when others make them. 

Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever felt the weight of regret so heavy on your shoulders you wish you could just lie in bed and wait for this feeling to 100 years preferably! 

Feeling a little blue, I stumbled across the following quote:

"Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in the future" 

I couldn't control my feeling of anger towards this enlightened being who so simply put forth the command to "not repeat them in the future"! How dare he make it sound so easy?! 

Choosing to ruminate over the deplorable mistake kept me stuck in thoughts of self aversion. How could I have been so wrong? How could I have done something so bad? Judgement, judgement, judgement!

It took me a few days to realize that what would really help me get over dropping the ball, and moving on to simply "not repeating it in the future" is to evaluate how useful was it? 

How useful is  bringing into my life more of what I don't want? Like author Caroline Myss once said in a lecture, our life is like an investment. Who would keep investing in shares that don't bring them sufficiently high returns? If the return on investment in not high or satisfactory, one simply does not invest again. Simple as that! 

Humans make mistakes. It's part of being human! We are constantly on the road to growth and evolution, and there is usually little growth without pain and suffering. 

So next time you, like me, make a mistake, simply thank the heavens for the teaching and do not repeat it again. Like a wise investor, take it as a lesson, keep on investing else where and don't waste your precious time judging yourself. 

To our prosperity! 

1 comment:

  1. Lindo , maravilhoso !
    Parabéns Neni , Adorei seu Blog e me emocionei com o que escreveu ... Lindo , Lindo !
    Viver é errar e acertar , procurar sempre o melhor lado das coisas e acontecimentos , ponderar , respirar e depois agir ... Muito Bom é pensar numa coisa para errar menos : "Não faça aos outros o que não gostaria que fizéssem a voce" tenho certeza que desta forma se erraria menos e se Amaria mais ...
    Bjos com carinho e Parabéns !! :)
    Prima Kika
