Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The G.O.B.

You know those days when everyone irritates you? Those days when you are feeling judgmental, critical and nothing anybody says can make you feel better! Your significant other is getting on your nerves, your client is driving you up the walls, your mother keeps calling to check if you have food in the fridge and to top it all off, your assistant asks for a raise!


For days like these, you need to remember the GOB!

I was introduced to the GOB by my own coach, Rich Litvin, and it has saved me a lot of headache and heartache.

To remember the GOB is to remember the Glimpse Of Brilliance that exists in each person. Everybody has it! It can be the way your significant other looks at you with admiration, or the way your mother ends all her speeches with "I will always love you" or the way your assistant is always willing to stay late hours to help you out. It can be any small thing the person in front of you possesses that reminds you of his/her inner beauty, power and brilliance!

For those days when you want to send the person in front of you to where the sun don't shine, remember the GOB. Take time to get in touch with and honor it. You will see that you will immediately start feeling better. You might even catch yourself smiling!

Go ahead, try it out for yourself, it's easy, it just needs practice:

Catch yourself feeling angry
Look at the target of your anger (or think of him/her)
Get in contact with what is radiant and glorious about them
Honor the GOB and...

The beauty in life is that we ALWAYS have the power to choose.
Choose finding the GOB in every person and you will always have a reason to smile!

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