Tuesday, January 31, 2012

On Creating Changes

"Two basic rules of life are these:
1) Change is inevitable.
2) Everybody resists change.
The only person who likes change is a wet baby."
Roy Blitzer

It is natural to want things to remain the same as changes are almost always challenging.
I recently relocated, changing not only countries but also continents. I know how much energy that change demanded, having to recreate my life, recreate my home, my circle of friends and my work.

Yet, if we remind ourselves that change is the ONLY thing constant in life, if we accept the fact that everything changes, the seasons, our cells, our teeth, our bodies, our looks, our shoe size, we remain open to the changes that are (constantly) coming.

If there is no way of preventing change, then the next best solution is to remain open to it. Changes can be terrifying at first, I agree. Yet, ignoring the fact that some things have to change is just a way of postponing pain - which will almost certainly make the pain more significant.

So, if you are currently facing changes in your life and dreading it, relax! How do you do that? A good way is to remind yourself of the HERE and NOW of your situation. What is happening in your life TODAY? Who are you speaking to? Who or what do you see in this moment? How do you feel? Is there a possibility (even if you don't want to acknowledge it at this moment) that change can bring something positive?

If you decide change is necessary and you are dreading it, don't worry! Accept and love yourself because you are only being human. The first step to creating change in your life is acknowledging the fact that you might be scared out of your wits.

What can your second step be?


  1. hmmm that would be... change!!! :)

  2. Flora, is that your second step? Well, then I wish to make the question more specific, what might the second step to creating change be? I will love to hear about your second step!
