Friday, February 17, 2012

I am exactly where I am supposed to be!

Sometimes being a woman bores me!

Today I had all these creepy thoughts furiously running around in my mind!
Why are you single for such a long time? Why haven't you settled in a relationship? Why didn't you hold on with all your might to the relationships you have settled in to?

There was so much background noise, so many thoughts of fear and judgement.  Judgement of myself, judgement of the universe and of destiny. Judgement of men!

Then a voice asked me "Do you really trust the universe? Do you really trust the power of faith and of letting go? If you do, if you REALLY do, trust the universe now!
Trust that it's got your highest good and interest at hand at ALL times, not just some of the times."

Then I realized that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, as we all are.

No matter where you are at this moment; no matter what you are going through; pain of separation, pain of loss (financial loss, losing a loved one, losing your status) or longing to be loved - you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be.

We are where we are because we are learning. We are constantly learning. We are everyday creating our life and our reality. We might not be aware of it, yet every thought, every move we make is a new, miraculous chance to create the world we want to live in.

The beautiful thing about our life is that we indeed ARE as strong as the Creator, we ARE the Creator!
All we need to do is become aware of our creative power. Become aware of the thoughts we create in our head every single moment of the day.
Become aware of the words we speak and the way we relate to ourselves and others.

The country I am currently living in, Greece, is in total economic and political chaos!
I choose not to listen to the news. I choose not to turn on the television as not to let my thoughts be influenced by others' needs and desperation.  Some call me crazy, others call me aloof. I call myself happy and free!

Why am I single? Because that is what I have created at this moment!
Being single allows me to stay awake all night reading my favorite book. Being single allows me to just be and not have to worry about manicure and pedicure. Being single allows me to feel one man's warmth on one night and listen to another man's stories on the following night.

Sometimes being a woman is so exciting!


  1. excellent text, great content!!!

  2. Like, like, like, like: I'm free: I am conscious of the fact that where I am right now is a result of my choices and I'm happy with these choices. Choosing is an option open to me at any given point in my life. Even when it looks like I have found myself in a situation that I had no control over - outer factors - I can still choose whether I will react to it or just accept that I am where I should be. It's a mind game really, isn't it?
